Forecasts on any streaming data source imaginable
Customizable plug-ins

Flowdapt is built to adopt any application that may require high-level orchestration of compute-heavy libraries (i.e. PyTorch) as well as cluster microservices. Some of the most notable plug-ins include:

  • AskNews: a contextualized, on-premise, user-specific LLM deployment based on Llama2. AskNews summarizes and indexes all the latest news so that you can ask natural language questions and get and up-to-date distillation of information with hyperlinks and article titles to all the related news sources.

  • Nowcast: a weather forecasting plug-in designed to provide short-term hyper-local forecasts for hundreds of cities simultaneously. The plug-in collects new meteorological data as it becomes avaialable and retrains models if their performance "drifts."

  • CryptoCast: a cryptocurrency market forecast plug-in designed to provide a highly modifiable interface for per-asset model building/updating.

  • AskArxiv: a contextualized, on-premise LLM deployment that summarizes and indexes all the latest ArXiv articles. Users can ask natural language questions about the latest academic breakthroughs.